Sunday Mornings at Poplar Ridge
Sunday School
8:45-9:45 am
- Adult Classes
- Children (age 4 - 7th grade) meet in the Family Enrichment Center. Please pick up your children at 9:45 am.
- Nursery for Birth - Age 3
10:00 am
- The sermon will be recorded during the worship service and posted on the wesbite and app as soon as possible each week.
- We broadcast our service live throughout our campus on Radio Station 90.9 FM.
- 3 boxes for your tithes and offerings are located in the front foyer and in the worship room
- Children's Church or Kidstuf Family Show (age 4 - 6th grade) is held every Sunday. Come to the worship service and your children will be dismissed at approximately 10:20 am. They may be picked up after the service in the Family Enrichment Center lobby.
- 2-3 Year Old Children's Church
- Nursery for Birth - Age 2